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Waverley Preparatory School and Day Nursery

Welcome to Waverley School

Waverley School and Nursery in Wokingham is an co-educational, independent day school (and nursery) for children aged 3 months to 11 years.

Our Pre-Prep School, for children aged 4-7 years, and our Prep School, for children aged 7-11 years, are renowned for their academic excellence yet nurturing, family feel.

As your child enters Waverley School, focus will be on developing their reading, writing and number skills. Children however, are also introduced to a broader curriculum of subjects taught by specialist teachers such as ICT (Information Computer Technology), Art, History, Geography, Science, Music and Languages. They are also introduced to a broader spectrum of activities, sports and field trips and expeditions to enrich their education.


Educational Excellence in a Nurturing Environment

Our focus is very much on challenging every pupil to achieve their own excellence and attain their full potential within our happy, nurturing atmosphere.

We believe that happy confident children make the best learners. As soon as you walk into Waverley, you will feel our welcoming environment where all pupils know each other throughout the school and teachers, irrespective of which year groups they teach, know every single child at the school and what makes them tick.     


Small Class Sizes and Single Form Entry

Our small class sizes (average of 21 pupils per class), high pupil/teacher ratio and specialist subject teachers from Reception onwards will offer your child an individual yet broad education taught by staff who are passionate about their subjects and experts in their field.

We also operate on single form entry which means we only have one class per year group. This enables all our staff to get to know our pupils extremely well and ensure that their education is tailored to their individual strengths and weaknesses.  Our single form entry system also means that children are able to socialise with other pupils of all ages, enhancing their social skills and confidence. At Waverley, we very ensure that all children of all ages look after each other. 

Your child is also encouraged to have good manners, respect for others and to take responsibility for their own learning.



Outstanding Academic Results

Our nurturing environment and small classes sizes, together with our passion to ensure that every child succeeds to their maximum potential, means that we achieve outstanding academic results.

We are ranked 'Best in Berkshire' based on being the only Prep School to appear in the Times Top 100 Prep Schools for 12 consecutive years. We are also currently ranked number 1 in the Wokingham and Reading area and number 33 nationally across all schools for under 11's. These ranking are based on our academic results of our Year 6 pupils (SATS results). 


Useful Information About the School Day

School opens for the normal school day at 08:30hrs and registration closes at 08:45hrs. School finishes at 15:30hrs when pupils are either collected by their parents or attend After School Club. Breakfast Club is available from 07:30hrs - 08:30hrs and After School Care is available from 15:30hrs to 18:00hrs. Read more about Breakfast Club, After School Club and Holiday Club in our Extra Curricular section.


* Rankings based on academic results of Year 6 SATS results across all schools for under 11's in England.