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Waverley Preparatory School and Day Nursery

ISI (Independent School Inspectorate) Report 2019

We are pleased to be able to share with you the findings from our recent additional inspection on 25th September 2019.

To provide some background, this was an unannounced additional inspection at the request of the Department for Education (DfE) focusing on safeguarding. The inspectors were in school for the morning and held discussions with the head, senior leaders and other members of staff and met with the Chair of Governors. They also talked with groups of pupils and scrutinised a range of documentation, records and policies.

The report highlights the implementation of the school’s safeguarding procedures as being effective in providing appropriate support for the needs of pupils of all ages. Procedures are implemented to safeguard children at risk and there is clear evidence of early intervention for pupils potentially in need. Staff show effective understanding of their responsibilities, including those areas which focus of most recent changes in safeguarding guidance. Staff show appropriate awareness of the staff code of conduct, in particular the use of mobile telephones and cameras. They are aware of safeguarding procedures, of who to go to if they have a concern or receive a disclosure and also that they may make a referral to children’s services if necessary. The training of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is appropriate and that all teaching and non teaching staff complete annual training and, in addition, there is evidence of regular updates. Staff’s understanding is checked appropriately.

It also states that the school provides information relating to safeguarding to parents. Particulars of the arrangements for safeguarding are published on the school’s website.

Those with leadership and management responsibilities demonstrate many skills and knowledge to their role and fulfil their responsibilities effectively so that most of the independent school standards are consistently met, and the well-being of the pupils is actively promoted.

The school has some action points to put in place and these have already been done with the implementation of a strong team taking the responsibility for the Single Central Register (SCR) ensuring rigorous checking and implementation of recruitment information. Mr Nigel Woolnough (School's Safeguarding Governor ), Mr Shore (School's DSL ) and Miss Macintyre Jones have completed a full audit of employment files, new and historic, making sure all checks are in place in line with current statutory guidance. You can access the full report by clicking on the link here.

We would like to thank Mr Shore, Mr Mitchell, Mrs Costello, Mrs Barke and the whole team across the school and nursery for their continued passion, commitment and professionalism in their roles at Waverley.

We would also like to thank all our pupils whose behaviour was, as usual, impeccable during the inspectors visit and for them to share with them so eloquently how they feel safe in school and that their needs are catered for, endorsing what a caring, supportive and wonderful school Waverley continues to be.

Thank you and regards,

The Governing Board.